1 On 1 with Stani Staykova-Lecocq
Naturopath & Fertility CoachStart Shaping Your New Life Today
Hi, I’m Stani! I know where you are coming from because I have been there. I know the bitterness of not being able to conceive, the pain of loosing your unborn child, and the longing to become a parent… But I am here to tell you that there is hope and there is a way. Let me hold your hand and guide you to becoming the parent you deserve to be.
After 5 years of fertility struggles, 5 IUIs, a failed IVF, 2 miscarriages, a lot of tears and heartache, I got pregnant naturally at the age of 44 and gave birth to a healthy baby boy two months short of my 45th birthday. The journey has been the most enlightening and transformative experience I’ve had to date. I learned so much along the road that I felt compelled to share. As a result, I became a naturopath and fertility coach. I practice what I preach. I’d love to help you get closer to your dream, a healthy baby in a healthy pregnancy.
Apart from my advanced maternal age, we had no obvious reasons for infertility. We were diagnosed with the so called “unexplained infertility”. After four years of thorough testing, and a failed IVF (with a 3% success rate at my age), the conventional medicine specialists referred us to a donor egg if we wanted to succeed. My disappointment was endless. But thanks to it, I started digging, and reading, and tried to answer all questions remained unanswered by the the reproductive endocrinologists. I enrolled studying naturopathy, After 8 months of implementing religiously everything learnt, my husband and I conceived naturally our son Julian. After him, our lives would never be the same. The lives of four human beings were radically changed – after 18 years in the US, we moved to Bulgaria. I changed career from a lawyer to a naturopath. My heart is forever grateful for this journey that gave me the opportunity to help men, women, couples get a step closer to their dream baby.
My Values & Beliefs
The Power of Motivation
To reach any goal, you have to be able to answer two questions. Why? And How? If the Why is big enough, the How will find its way!
Failure is Temporary, Regret is for Life
Do not be afraid of failure. It is only temporary. Regret that you did not try, or did not give your all, on the other hand, is for life. So Do it!
If You Want To Be Pregnant Tomorrow, Start Behaving Like Pregnant Today
The health of your future child starts long before the two lines on the pregnancy test. In fact, it takes four months for a sperm to form and for a primary follicle to turn into an ovulatory one. So take charge today!
Women Who Heal Themselves, Heal Their Children's Children
We, women, are born with all the eggs we’ll ever have for the rest of our life. They were formed by 4 months gestation when we were in our mother’s womb. So, my future girl’s children’s health starts with mine. Today! And mine started with that of my grandmother! Pause and think about this for a minute.
Carpe Diem
“Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans”, so carpe diem, seize the moment and start living here and now. Most importantly, enjoy it!
Coach With Me
I am a certified naturopath and fertility coach. I work online, through video meetings, with women and couples from all over the world. I have individual and group coaching packages you can choose from. I conceived and gave birth to both of my boys in my 40s. I practice what I preach. For me, it is a passion and an honor to be able to get you a step closer to a healthy baby in a healthy pregnancy.

Featured Media & Publications
"Infertility and Couples" - chapter by Stanislava Lecocq in "Happily Ever After", a book by Madlen Algafari
"Reproductive Issues" - interview for "In Search for the Truth" TV show
"What is Naturopathy?" - interview for "In Search for the Truth" TV show
"How to Prepare Our Body to Conceive" - interview for CodeHealth TV show "Why with Developya"
"Hormonal and Reproductive Health at 35/40+" - online festival "Life After 40"
"Reproductive Health and Successful Pregnancy" - online interview for "9 Months" Magazine
"How to Increase Chances for Success in Order to Conceive Naturally or via ART" - webinar with Developya Bulgaria