1 On 1 with Stani Lecocq

Naturopath & Fertility Coach

Start Shaping Your New Life Today

One-On-One Consultation

Review of your past and current health history, diet, sleeping, eating, exercise and other lifestyle habits, emotional and spiritual health, household toxicity, etc. and create a plan for improving reproductive health, emotional support, and fulfilling your dream of a healthy baby in a healthy pregnancy.

Free 30-Minute Discovery Call

Discovery call with a reproductive naturopath to assess your particular situation and give you suggestions on the best steps you can take on your fertility journey right now.

Helping You Improve Health With Personalized Coaching

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Health, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

Do you feel like you have exhausted the options conventional medicine has to offer to improve your health? Or you’ve had enough of them? Does your intuition tell you that there may be another approach to health? Other than treating the symptom? Are you ready to try something new? Or do you just need guidance because you feel lost? Or maybe you need support on you journey to health because you feel alone? Please reach out, and let’s have a chat.

Fertility Coaching

Online Coaching

Stani is excited to work with you virtually, wherever you are in the world.

Introductory Session

Stani will do a detailed intake with you, going over your health history and fertility journey so she can determine if and how she can best support your fertility transformation.

Customized Fertility Enhancing Plan

Based on the introductory session, Stani will offer a specific health & fertility enhancing protocol tailored according to your health & medical history (including insight on your recent medical tests) along with a nutritional & supplement evaluation.

Radically Shift Your Health To Get Pregnant Faster

Stani will work with you one-on-one to help you radically shift your health. She will completely revamp your diet, mindset and your lifestyle to help you get pregnant faster. The one-on-one work will enable diving deep into your fertility case to discover your physical and emotional blocks to pregnancy.

How Do I know If Fertility Coaching is Right For Me?

You have been actively trying to conceice for two years or more with no success..

Have you done extensive fertility testing? Are your hormones out of balance? Do you have nutritional deficiencies? Are you chronically stressed? Are your every day environment and your body polluted with toxins? These and many more are the questions you need to begin asking yourself.

You have suffered one or more pregnancy losses.

Apart from the questions from the previous section you need to ask yourself, do you need to process grief? Do you feel hopeless and need support? Are you tired and lonely in your pain and need a helping hand?

You want to optimize your reproductive health.

Whether you are looking to having children at some point in the future and want to best prepare ahead of time or you have actively been trying for a while, you will benefit tremendously by optimizing your health, and thus, increasing your chances for success.

You are planning an assited reproduction, e.g. IUI, IVF or ICSI, and want to improve your chances for success.

Studies show that optimizing your health through a holistic approach before assisted reproduction can increase your chances for success up to 47%. 

You want to prepare your body for conception and pregnancy.

Folliculogenesis takes eight months.  It takes 4 months for a primordial follicle to turn into a primary follicle. And then 4 more months for a primary follicle to turn into an ovulatory one.  Spermogenesis also takes about 4 months.  Everything you do in those 4 months, the food you eat, the water you drink, the thoughts you think, the choices you make, your exposure to toxins, etc., will impact the quality of the future egg and sperm, and ultimately, the health of your future child.

You want to do your best to provide for your future child's best health and chance to thrive.

Apart from the paragraph above, you also need to know that by the 8th week of gestation, the blueprint of your child’s future health is already set.  So the best time to optimize your future child’s health is now.

My Approach

I will review your past medical history and customize a personalized plan to improve and optimize your health. Health is physical, nutritional, emotional and spiritual. Fertility is an extension of our general health. We are most fertile when in best health. So, it makes sense that my approach to health is an integrative one. I believe in our bodies’ innate ability for self healing. We just need to help them return to homeostasis through eating a healthy diet, staying away from toxins, sleeping well and enough, resting, exercising, de-stressing and taking care of our emotional and spiritual health. I may recommend a period of dedicated work with me. It is the time I need to teach you everything you need in order to improve your reproductive health. It is also the time you need to change and implement major lifestyle habits. It takes 4 months for a primary follicle to turn into an ovulatory follicle, as well as for a sperm to form. In those 4 months you can do A LOT to improve not only the quality of your eggs and sperm, but the health of your future child.

How It Works

Schedule a Free Discovery Call

Discovery call with a reproductive naturopath to assess your particular situation and give you suggestions on the best steps you can take on your fertility journey right now.

Work With Me 1 on 1

Review of your past and current health history, diet, sleeping, eating, exercise and other lifestyle habits, emotional and spiritual health, household toxicity, etc. and create a plan for improving reproductive health, emotional support, and fulfilling your dream of a healthy baby in a healthy pregnancy.

The Empowered Fertility Membership (over $500 value for only $20/€20/30BGN/month)

A monthly membership subscription which will help you improve your health and optimize your fertility. It will give you access to a secret Facebook group where Stani will meet with you 4 times per month through weekly FB Lives and discuss various topics to improve your fertility. The meetings will include Q&A sessions to answer your questions and concerns and help you navigate smoothly through your fertility journey.

Coaching Packages

Individual Coaching – Initial Consultation

The individual coaching program usually consists of a detailed introductory session and several personalized educational and follow-up sessions.  During the introductory session, Stanislava will review your past and current health history, diet, sleeping, eating, exercise and other lifestyle habits, emotional and spiritual health, household toxicity, etc. and propose a personalized plan for improving your reproductive health, emotional support, and fulfilling your dream of a healthy baby in a healthy pregnancy. The initial consultation is very detailed and lasts 90 minutes. To implement the personalized plan, additional follow-up consultations may be scheduled.

Individual Coaching – Follow-Up Consultation

The follow-up consultations address various aspects of your lifestyle and the proposed individualized plan for improving your fertility and general health. During the follow-up sessions, Stanislava may work on your diet, sleeping, eating, exercise and other lifestyle habits, emotional and spiritual health, mindset, BBT charting, household toxicity, etc. The follow-up consultations may last anywhere between 45 and 60 minutes.

US$80/€80/BGN 120

More Details

Stani will create a specific health & fertility enhancing protocol tailored according to your health & medical history (including insight on your recent medical tests) along with a nutritional & supplement evaluation. She will work with you one-on-one to help you radically shift your health and best support your fertility. She will completely revamp your diet, mindset and your lifestyle to help you optimize your chances of a healthy pregnancy. The one-on-one work will enable diving deep into your fertility case to discover your physical and emotional blocks to pregnancy.

Group Coaching – The Empowered Fertility Membership

This is a monthly membership subscription which will help you improve your health and optimize your fertility. It will give you access to a secret Facebook group where Stani will meet with you 4 times per month through weekly FB Lives and discuss various topics to improve your fertility.  The meetings will include Q&A sessions to answer your questions and concerns and help you navigate smoothly through your fertility journey.  You will also find great community support in the face of likeminded women where you can all share your experiences.


More Details

The topics discussed and intentions set will inspire & guide you to improve your health from the inside out while releasing emotional blocks impacting your fertility.

Still Have Questions?
